METAIN: Asset backed NFTs/New trend

Catalyst TV - METAIN: Asset backed NFTs/New trend

Real Estate investment using crypto is largely unaffordable and unregulated. Asset-backed NFT can solve the problem but it requires a lot of work and trustworthy parties to implement. The solution is to make the real-world asset-backed NFTs with a compelling interest of 15%-25% APY, following REIT regulations, NFT is SECURITY TOKEN. DAO vote for property screening delegation before buy/sell, for rent or listing

The differentiates METAIN from other Web3 companies and projects is chain has real-world use cases, has value and utility, and is asset-backed. We need to bring real-world properties’ profits to the crypto world to make investments affordable, transparent, and safe.

  • Ideascale
  • Proposer: METAIN
  • Requested Budget: 100000